Effective Collaboration - Unblocking Barriers - Benefits Realisation
Strategies to make services more efficient, sustainable, and responsive increasingly rely on integration as the overarching solution. Rather than simply expanding a service, integrating it with other services is often seen as a more effective way to increase capacity and reduce resource usage within the public sector. This approach is clearly evident in the intent behind Integrated Care Systems and forms the methodology underpinning a Neighbourhood NHS.
While benefits can be realised through effective integration, it requires significant effort to align ambitions, identify shared benefits, navigate
workforce technicalities, manage data sharing, and optimise infrastructure.
We collaborate with our clients to enhance capacity and expertise, sharing techniques we have gathered from a wide range of projects and pathways
to make integrated working more appealing. We understand the policy direction, budgetary pressures, and desired outcomes of integrating services.
Our approach involves setting a blueprint for what the integration seeks to achieve. This includes mapping out drivers, leaders, stakeholders, finances, targets or outcomes, service user implications, barriers, benefits, and incidental risks or opportunities. We support those leading the integration and use our project management and transformation expertise to drive the desired change.
Since establishing the company in 2000, we have collaborated with over 350 public sector clients, offering expertise in project management, governance, financial, and commercial matters.

Primary Care Network Development:
With over 5 years of experience in establishing, strengthening, and embedding integration among general practice network members, our support now focuses on establishing PCNs at the heart of neighbourhoods and building robust integrated neighbourhood teams.
End-to-End Service Redesign:
We work with clients to redesign pathways and services and embed integrated models through robust partnership working.
Multi-Disciplinary Team Models:
Often the starting point for integrated working, we bring teams together through MDT meetings to manage complex cases, share learning, build relationships, and navigate service users to the support they require.
Creating Single Points of Access:
Where complex provider landscapes are challenging for patients or service users to navigate, we work with clients to create a single front door or point of access to receive initial contact and direct them to the appropriate service.
Managing Shared Infrastructure: We support parties seeking integration to better manage the physical, digital, and data infrastructure, which can often be barriers to effective collaboration.
Examples of recent case studies:
Contact one of our consultants for a chat info@atscale.co.uk